
(vasep.com.vn) Vietnam seafood exports earn annual revenue of US$6 billion, however, irrigation system serving for aquaculture has not been developed. As a result, fish farmers and enterprises suffer from loss caused by diseases. The loss was mainly attributable to lack of investments for irrigation system, Mr. Nguyen Huu Dung, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) said.

(vasep.com.vn) On 19 June 2014, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) published its decision to adjust the interbank average rate from 21,036VND/1 USD to 21,246 VND/USD.

So far this year Vietnam’s international

Buying seafood takes skill and precision -- and, frankly, not everyone is cut out for the job. Are you? Here are 10 questions top seafood buyers know to ask when buying fish and shellfish.

(vasep.com.vn) At a seminar on "Self-certification of origin" took place on 17 June 2014, Tran Trung Thuc, Chief negotiator of Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and EFTA said self-certification of origin is becoming a objective trend, contributing to facilitate for merchandise trade. Self-certification of origin is posed in negotiating FTA by some partners of Vietnam.

Japan aims to expand its exports of farm and marine products by 10-fold to 5 trillion yen a year by 2030, a draft of the government's growth strategy showed Saturday.

(vasep.com.vn) Vietnam National Seaproducts Corporation Limited (Seaprodex) in coordination with the Youth Union organized the campaign of "books for Spratly Islands".

Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified responsibly farmed tilapia was in the spotlight during a visit to tilapia farm, Trapia Malaysia, last week.

(vasep.com.vn) Pangasius are increasingly becoming popular with Pakistan people. Vietnam pangasius products are favored by local people thanks to their tasty flavor, convenience, good quality and reasonable price.

Once upon a time, America relied on its own shores for seafood. The state of New York was famous for their fresh oysters; Louisiana and Mississippi were famous for their shrimp. The clean coastal waters allowed us to farm our own stuff. But things have changed.

With huge coast line to an access of over 7000 km, India ranks number 2 in fish production globally, Indian agriculture minister, Radha Mohan said in Hyderabad.

Stricter inspection standards in key export markets as well as stronger competition from Vietnam are seriously hurting Chinese seafood exports, which fell in the first quarter of 2014, claims a key government quality and quarantine watchdog.