Self-certification of origin to facilitate businesses

( At a seminar on "Self-certification of origin" took place on 17 June 2014, Tran Trung Thuc, Chief negotiator of Free Trade Agreement between Vietnam and EFTA said self-certification of origin is becoming a objective trend, contributing to facilitate for merchandise trade. Self-certification of origin is posed in negotiating FTA by some partners of Vietnam.

Self-certification of origin will reduce costs of travel expenses for exporters, especially help them to take full advantages of preferential tariffs in FTAs.

The implementation of self-certification of origin of goods will change basically the way of checking the origin of goods. Accordingly, the state agencies in the exporting country will not be responsible for certification of origin of goods. The exporters must declare the origin of goods by themselves.

Exporters which are licensed to self-certify origin of their goods by the state agencies, must meet the criteria of origin in accordance with the general standards. In cases goods enjoy preferential tariff (GSP for developing countries or tariff preferences under FTAs) must conform to the rules of origin applicable to GSP or FTA respectively. The origin of goods must be included in related export documents.

Importing countries are responsible for checking the origin of self certified imported goods. The state agencies of exporting countries cooperate in investigation and assessment to the self certification of origin upon the request from importing countries.

According to Tran Thi Thu Huong, a representative from Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vietnam, many countries around the world tend to apply self-certification of origin.

This reduces time and costs for businesses, helps them to raise and utilize the advantages of preferential tariffs in FTAs.

Vietnam is considering and participating in this mechanism as soon as possible as well as accelerating the improvement of policies to further integration under FTAs. 
