New look to Vietnam's marine fishing industry in new era

Today in response to over-fishing

Current status of fishing industry in Viet Nam

The marine resources reserves in Vietnam’s sea waters are estimated at 3.1-4.2 million MT and the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is approximately 1.4-1.7 million MT, of which 0.058 million MT of shrimp and prawn and 0.123 million MT of cephalopods.

In the past ten years the total capacity of fishing fleet boosted 3.27 times, from 1,443,950HP to 4,723,264HP, while capture landings increased only 1.96 times, from 878,474MT to 1,724,200MT. Thus, the average fishing productivity reduces constantly from 0.61MT per HP per year (1994) to 0.36MT per HP per year (2004). The total fishing fleet includes about 87,100 fishing vessels, of which the number of less than 90HP ones accounted for 84 percent. This fact indicates that the marine fishery in Vietnam is small scale and fishing operations are mainly taken place in coastal waters. As a result the resources in some near-shore areas are being overfish and exhausted.

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Ms Van Ha


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