Seafood sector struggles to meet standards in time of rapid growth

Deputy Minister of Fisheries Nguyen Thi Hong Minh spoke to Tin Tuc (News) newspaper about how rapid growth and increasing competition may make it harder for the seafood sector to meet international quality standards.

What is your forecast for Viet Nam’s seafood exports in 2007?

Demand on the world market for seafood has been increasing. Viet Nam has many opportunities to export seafood products, especially black tiger prawns. I am optimistic about Viet Nam’s seafood sector.

Viet Nam’s seafood exporters must also meet strict requirements for food safety and hygiene.

However, one of my worries is the haphazard establishment of seafood processing enterprises.

Could you explain that concern in more detail?

Currently, there is misinformation circulating about the high profits of seafood processing and trading outlets.

The spontaneous establishment of seafood processing plants will create problems. A processing plant should be close to raw materials sources to avoid competition for seafood, which could lead to price hikes and difficulties for businesses.

Under the Law on Enterprise, everyone has the right to do business. So the ministry cannot forbid those who want to invest. Instead it makes recommendations and provides policy assistance.

Viet Nam has had a small-scale production economy for a long time, so the Government tends to encourage expanded production but not take into account sustainable development.

What about the Japanese’s new requirements regarding anti-biotics in seafood? What does the Fisheries Ministry plan to change about its management policy?

The Japanese market has standards and requirement differing from the US and European markets. Vietnamese exporters did not have time to adapt to sudden changes in Japan’s policies and regulations. So they had to pay the price.

The standards of food safety and hygiene on the world market are becoming stricter.

In my opinion, the quality of seafood products starts with local fish markets. Moreover, raising public awareness (about food hygiene) is very important. This work can not be done overnight but I believe it is possible.

Could you discuss specifically any future safety measures?

The ministry plans to provide assistance to localities to set up task forces designed to supervise and control seafood safety.

The ministry also encourages seafood farmers to apply safe and sustainable breeding models, similar to those in Ben Tre Province.

What other opportunities and challenges do Vietnamese seafood exporters face?

The opportunities are big with an expanded export markets, a more open and transparent investment climate, and access to foreign capital, advanced technologies and expertise.

Like other agricultural sectors, the seafood sector faces difficulties due to small-scale production, poor infrastructure, and few guarantees of food safety and hygiene.
