Exports to Middle East and North Africa up 20 percent

(vasep.com.vn) With 70 countries settled by 1.4 billion people, Middle East and Africa are considered by Vietnamese export companies as potential markets for their products. These two regions are rich in natural resources, especially oil and gas and report fast-growing economies. In 2012, Vietnamese exports to Middle East and Africa had a worth of over US$10 billion. The value was US$2.56 billion in the first quarter of 2013.

Vietnam mainly shipped seafood products, pepper, textiles, computers and electronic equipments to these destinations.

By 2020, trade with Middle East and North Africa is projected to increase by 20 percent per year, exceeding the annual target set for Vietnam’s total export value. Vietnam plans to strengthen investment and cooperation with the two partners in oil and gas and other industrial processing activities...

On November 8th, 2013, a conference on Africa and Middle East market information was held by Trade Promotion Department inder Ministry of Industry and Trade in Ho Chi Minh City to help Vietnam exporters understand more about the markets. 
