Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics of EU (2013 edition)

This pocketbook on Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics presents a selection of tables and figures on a wide range of industry-related topics, covering the 28 EU Member States. The most recent data are presented where possible, the latest reference year (for some data sets) being 2012.

 The official statistics in this pocketbook are aimed at both specialists (including policymakers at EU and Member State level, enterprises, farms, producers’ and consumers’ associations, consultancy bodies, trade unions et al) and generalists who have an interest in the subject. Statistics provide tools to help

inform, monitor and measure progress towards agreed goals. As such, they are a key component of governance — for identifying needs, formulating objectives and orientating policies and goals — through evidence-based decision-making. For the European Commission, statistics are also required to support dialogue with the EU Member States and other partners.

Table of contents

1. Special focus: the structure of agriculture in Croatia

2. The structure of agriculture in the EU — agricultural census 2010

3. Agricultural accounts and prices

4. Agricultural products

4.1 Crops

4.2 Livestock and meat

4.3 Milk and milk products

5. Agriculture and the environment

5.1 Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture

5.2 Ammonia emissions from agriculture

5.3 Manure storage

5.4 Landscape features

6. Rural development

7. Forestry

8. Fisheries

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