(fis.com) In April, 248,900 tonnes of fish resources were landed in Peruvian ports, a volume that represents a decrease of 86.3 per cent compared to 1,806,000 tonnes recorded in the same month in 2011.
This sharp decline is due to reduced anchovy landings destined to the fishmeal and fish oil industry, according to the latest Statistical Bulletin issued by the Ministry of Production (Produce).
On evaluating the first four months of 2012, it is noted that landings fell by 68.6 per cent over the same period last year, changing from 2,928,300 tonnes in 2011 to 918,200 tonnes.
According to Produce, in April, 2012 about 126,300 tonnes of fishing resources were landed for fishmeal and fish oil industry, representing 92.5 per cent less than in the same month of 2011 (1,682,700 tonnes).
In the first four months of this year, 470,800 tonnes of fishing resources were used for indirect consumption compared with 2,469,000 tonnes in the same period of 2011, that is to say, 80.9 per cent less.
In April, 122,600 tonnes of fish resources were landed for direct human consumption, against 123,300 tonnes in the same month of 2011.
Throughout the first four months of 2012, a total of 447,400 tonnes of resources were used for direct consumption, 2.6 per cent less than last year (459,300 tonnes).
Last April 56,900 tonnes were landed for the preparation of frozen products while in the same month of 2011 about 65,600 tonnes had been landed.
In the first four months of this year, the accumulated landings for this industry registered 218,500 tonnes, representing 9.5 per cent less than in the same period of 2011, when 241,400 tonnes were landed.
On the other hand, the fishery resources used by the canning industry in April, 2012 totalled 23,400 tonnes compared with 21,500 tonnes in the same month last year.
Between January and April, there was a decrease of 17.2 per cent in the resources used for canned products: 69,500 tonnes compared to 83,900 tonnes in the same period of 2011.
Last April landings for direct human consumption as fresh products reached about 39,200 tonnes, while in the same month last year it had reached 33,500 tonnes.
In the first four months of 2012 about 146,000 tonnes of resources were landed to be consumed as fresh products, representing 17.9 per cent over the same period in 2011 (123,800 tonnes).