Norway seafood exports surpass record

Norwegian export of seafood in 2013 beat all previous records. The value of the exports amounted to 61 billion NOK (€7.3 billion), 13 percent more than the previous record from 2010.

The increase is a result of high demand for Norwegian salmon on the world market, the Norwegian Seafood Council’s web site reads. The price of salmon rose 44 percent from 2012 to 2013. Export of salmon and trout amounted to 42.2 billion NOK last year.

Norwegian cod is as popular as ever and is considered to be a trendy and environmentally friendly product in many countries. In the latest years Sweden and Great Britain have become rising markets for cod from the Barents Sea. Export of fresh and frozen cod rose 56 percent from 2012 to 2013.

EU and Russia most important markets

Norway exports seafood to some 140 countries all over the world. Countries in the EU bought 59 percent of the Norwegian seafood in 2013. The most important single country is Russia, which imported seafood from Norway for 6.6 billion NOK (€789.6 million) in 2013, 10 percent more than the previous year.

Russia from January 1 partially banned imports of fish from Norway, as BarentsObserver reported. The ban affects 485 Norwegian companies, or 90 percent of the country’s registered suppliers to Russia. The import restrictions are imposed on a long list of fish including herring, cod, haddock and capelin, but do not affect salmon and trout, which Russia imports in large quantities.



Ms Van Ha


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