In the first four months of this year Chile sent 23,180 tonnes of mussels (Mytilus chilensis) abroad, representing a rise of 1.7 per cent in relation to exports in the same period of 2013 (22,782 tonnes).
In value terms, shipments of mussels abroad during the first four months of 2014 generated revenues of USD 67 million, 1.5 per cent more than in the same period last year, when it obtained USD 66 million, according to the data provided by InfoTrade to Aqua.
The average price stood at USD 2.88 per kilogram, 0.6 per cent below that obtained in April 2013, which was USD 2.90/kg. However, the average price rose enough in comparison with previous years, since up to April 2012 each kilogram was paid USD 2.58 on average and in the same period in 2011, it was USD 2.56.
The report by InfoTrade details the main exporting company was Blue Shell, with sales for USD 9.5 million between January and April, followed by Saint Andrews Smoky Delicacies, with USD 9.3 million.
In third position is Sudmaris Chile with USD 6.7 million, and further back is Sociedad Comercial Ría Austral, with USD 4.8 million; followed by Inversiones Coihuín, with USD 4.4 million.
Toralla is positioned among the top ten mussel exporters with USD 4.3 million; as well as Pesquera Cataluñia with USD 4.1 million; Pacific Gold, with USD 3.6 million; Southpacific Korp, with USD 3.5 million; and Cultivos Marinos del Pacifico, with USD 3.1 million.
The partner-manager of Patagonia Seafood, Armando Salinas, recalled that last year the industry experienced large fluctuations, mainly due to variation in the availability of mussel seeds in natural beds. He said that right now the prices are high because there is little raw material.
According to the entrepreneur, the situation will change in 2015: production is expected to increase this year because there were a lot of seeds, and this will cause a decrease in prices.
Salmon exports record significant rise in May
Chile exported salmon for USD 301 million in May 2014, an amount that represents a 39 per cent increase over the same period of 2013, when USD 216 million was obtained, according to statistics from the National Customs Service of Chile (Customs).
The Customs report reveals that exports from the fisheries/aquaculture industry generated revenues for USD 412 million and of that total, salmon shipments accounted for 73 per cent and those of trout represented 15 per cent.
It also details the revenues generated by trout exports were reduced by 20 per cent compared to May 2013, generating USD 16 million less.
Japan was the main destination for Chilean salmon and trout in May, with purchases that accounted for 70 per cent of the total value while the United States and Brazil concentrated 59 per cent of salmon shipments.
Furthermore, the Association of Salmon Industry AG (SalmonChile) reported that in the first four months of this year Chile exported 204,965 tonnes of salmon and trout for USD 1,629 million while in the first four months of 2013, around USD 1,100 million was exported.
With regard to the species, 58 per cent of the volume exported from January to April was comprised of Atlantic salmon, 29 per cent of coho salmon and 13 per cent of trout. In value terms, Atlantic salmon exports accounted for 62 per cent, coho salmon ones represented 22 per cent and those of trout accounted for the remaining 16 per cent.
Imports of salmon and trout in Japan accounted for 29 per cent of the total value of shipments in the first four months of 2014 and 31 per cent of the volume while those from the US accounted for 24 per cent of the volume and 31 per cent of the value.
Brazil was the third largest market, with a share of 14 per cent in exported volume and 12 per cent in value, followed by the EU with 6 per cent in both terms.