(vasep.com.vn) In the first three months of 2012, Vietnam mollusk exports achieved over US$130 million, up 19.9 percent from that of the same period of 2011. In which, cephalopod (squid and octopus) exports occupied 87 percent of total mollusk export value with US$113.3 million and marking 25.4 percent growth over 2011.
In March 2012 alone, Vietnam mollusk exports to markets reached nearly US$54 million, up 35.9 percent from that of March 2011. There is the highest growth in mollusk export value compared to sales of others (shrimp, pangasius, tuna..). Cephalopod and bivalve mollusk exports were up 36.7 percent and 30.9 percent, respectively over those of 2011. The export value of these items tends to increase in the recent time.
However, local mollusk exporters are coping with shortage of raw material. Raw mollusk supply mainly comes from catching while costs for fishing have been rocketing which exposes many difficulties for mollusk processors. Besides, ocean freight has increased which badly affected to mollusk exports to EU and the U.S.
South Korea, Japan and EU are still three largest importers of Vietnam cephalopod, occupying over 80 percent of total cephalopod export value. Compared to the quarter I/2011, cephalopod export value to Japan marked the highest with a 58.6 percent growth. The export value to the market in March 2012 was up 40 percent from that of the previous month. However, bivalve mollusk exports to Japan were down 42.4 percent with modest export value of US$1.2 million.
In the quarter I/2012, South Korea – the largest cephalopod importer of Vietnam – imported US$35 million of cephalopod, up 9.6 percent over 2011 and making up 31 percent of total cephalopod export value of Vietnam. However, bivalve mollusk exports to the market decreased 11.2 percent from the quarter I/2011. In March 2012 alone, export value of this item to South Korea grew by 43.3 percent.
Compared to the first three months of 2011, mollusk exports to EU reported a stable growth at double digit level with a 10.7 percent advance in cephalopod exports and a 15.1 percent in bivalve mollusk exports. In March 2012, export value of two items to EU was up from that of February 2012. Among EU block, export value of two items to France reported a triple digit growth in which cephalopod exports were up 154 percent and bivalve mollusk exports were up 617.2 percent.