(seafood.com) The Russian budget could receive about 30 billion rubles in additional revenue from certifying seafood caught by domestic fishermen and supplied to countries of the Asia-Pacific region, the Federal Fisheries Agency’s Director Andrei Krainy said.
The system of obligatory certification of catches proved to be effective as it was introduced in the North Atlantic region, and at present, the corresponding practice is to be applied in Russia’s Far East, Krainy said, adding that the agency is currently involved in negotiations with China and Japan.
Krainy also said that the illegal export of crabs is worth an estimated at U.S. $800 million annually, according to data provided by Japanese and South Korean customs.
Furthermore, Krainy said that the fishery industry’s expenditures for veterinary support amount to about 2 billion rubles annually. Controlling activities carried out by veterinary bodies are inefficient and double the costs of the inspections by the Federal Fisheries Agency.
Considering the fact that the subsequent sale and resale of fish is made in smaller lots, with each one needing a veterinary certificate, that procedure multiplies the price of the final product, Krainy added.