The Circular 28/2013/TT-BNNPTNT promulgating the list of veterinary drugs allowed in Vietnam

( On May 31st 2013, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) issued the Circular 28/2013/TT-BNNPTNT regulating the list of veterinary drugs allowed to circulate in Vietnam; Particularly it comprehends the list of vaccines, bio-products, microorganisms and chemicals, for veterinary usage, allowed to circulate in Vietnam.

The Circular is enclosed with:

1. The list of veterinary drugs legally used in Vietnam

2. The list of vaccines, bio-products, microorganisms and chemicals, which can be used in veterinary practices, in Vietnam

The Circular will take effect since July 15th 2013.

The Circular replaces the previous circulars as follow:

- MARD’s Circular 31/2011/ TT-BNNPTNT dated April 21, 2011 promulgating the list of veterinary drugs allowed in Vietnam.

- The Circular 32/2011/TT-BNNPTNT of April 21, 2011, promulgating the list of vaccines, bio-products, microorganisms and chemicals, used in veterinary practices, allowed in Vietnam

- The Circular 77/2011/TT-BNNPTNT, dated November 4, 2011 of MARD, promulgating the additional list of veterinary drugs, vaccines, bio-products, microorganisms and chemicals, used in veterinary practices, allowed in Vietnam

- The Circular 15/2012/TT-BNNPTNT of March 30, 2012 of MARD on promulgating the additional list of veterinary drugs, bio-products, microorganisms and chemicals used in veterinary medicine which are allowed to be available in Vietnam

- The Circular 58/2012/TT-BNNPTNT of November 7, 2012 of MARD promulgating the additional list of veterinary drugs, vaccines, biological products, microorganisms, chemicals used in veterinary medicine which are allowed to be available in Vietnam.


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