Circular 01/2013/TT-BCT of MOIT on amending and supplementing regulations and procedures for granting C/O for preferential goods

( On January 3rd 2013, Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) issued the Circular No. 01/2013/TT-BCT on amending and supplementing MOIT’s Circular No. 06/2011/TT-BCT dated March 21st 2011 regulating procedures for granting certificates of origin of preferential goods (C/O)

Accordingly, the new Circular amended and supplemented the Item 3, the Article 3 and the Article 9 of MOIT’s Circular 06/2011/TT-BCT dated March 21st 2011 as follows:

1. The new circular amended the Item 3, the Article 3 on the C/O applicant as follows:

“3. The C/O applicant is Vietnamese traders including exporters, producers, legal representatives of exporters and producers”

2. The new circular supplemented the Item 9, the Article 9 on file to apply for granting C/O as follows:

“9. In case, exported goods sent to the bonded warehouse, except for documents regulated from the Item 1 to the Item 8 of the Article 9, the C/O applicant has to submit the following additional documents:

- The declaration of goods in/out of the bonded warehouse, have confirmation of goods to the border of the authorities customs and bills: 1 copy sealed and certified as an identical copy of the original of trader.

- Contracts or agreemens signed between Vietnamese traders with foreign customers sending goods to bonded warehouses. The documents specifiy that Vietnamese traders deliver goods to the importers in countries that have signed the Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam: 1 copy sealed and certified as an identical copy of the original of trader, or

- Contracts or agreements signed between foreign customers owning goods at bonded warehouses to the importers in the countries that have signed the Free Trade Agreement with Vietnam. The documents specify that Vietnam traders deliver goods to the importers: 1 copy sealed and certified as an identical copy of the original of trader.

The Circular takes effect from February 16th 2013.


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