
Catfish growers in the United States had sales of 342 million dollars during 2013, up 1 percent from 341 million dollars the previous year. The top four States (Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and Texas) accounted for 94 percent of the United States total sales.

( Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) has recently approved the Planning on the development of Agricultural sector in Mekong Delta by 2020 and vision towards 2030 in the context of climate change.

( Through February 2014, Alaska pollock continues to be the most imported fish into South Korea. Pangasuis and catfish ranked second and tilapia slid to the third position.

Seafood exports of HAPU valued at

( To survive in the current tough time, small pangasius farmers are required to operate under cooperatives.

Agriculture and Rural Development

( Vietnamese Prime Minister has recently approved the project on “Establishing a Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain in Vietnam”, which is funded by the EU under its Switch-Asia Program. The project is run by the Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre (VNCPC).

( Through April 18, 2014, processing companies have bought first-grade pangasius at VND25,000 – 25,500 per kilogram. With this price level, fish farmers earn the profit of VND2,000 each kilogram.

( Traceability is an important requirements of consumers, international organizations and importing countries in the world in terms of collection and diffusion of information on the origin of seafood products they consume. Vietnamese pangasius producers early acknowledged advantages of the traceability system and most of them apply the documentary traceability system in their production chain.

( Ngo Quyen Processing Export Joint Stock Company (Ngoprexco – HOSE code HNX) totaled VND42.3 billion of cumulative net turnover in the first quarter of 2014, up 16.6 percent year on year. The cumulative profit was nearly VND485 million, 4-fold rise compared to that of a year ago.

( In the first quarter of 2014, Mekong Fisheries Joint Stock Company (Mekongfish Co – HOSE code: AAM) reached VND114.3 billion of net turnover, slightly up against that of the same quarter of 2013.

( In the framework of Seafood Expo Global 2014 in Brussels, the Fisheries Directorate (Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) and Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP) organize a Press Conference on the topic " Vietnam Pangasius: Toward sustainability" at the Vietnam Pavilion at 11:00am on 6 May 2014.

( Bentre Aquaproduct Im-Ex Joint Stock Company (Aquatex Bentre – HOSE code: ABT) reported VND22.5 billion of post-tax profit in the first quarter of 2014, up 61 percent year on year.

( Price for Mekong Delta-farmed pangasius has slightly increased to VND24,000 – 25,500 per kilogram in April.

( An Giang Fisheries Import and Export Joint Stock Company (Agifish – HOSE code: AGF) invested VND152.3 billion in its current fish farming area. This amount of money was mobilized through selling 12.859 million of Agifish's shares in October 2013.

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