
( 23 seafood enterprises of Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), Directorate of Fisheries (D-Fish) and Vietnam Pangasius Association are attending the 22nd edition of Seafood Expo Global, which opened in Brussels on May 6th 2014.

( Vietnamese government has recently issued the Decree No.36/2014/NĐ-CP on farming, processing and export of pangasius products. By December 31, 2015, commercial fish farms are required to apply and certified against VietGAP Standard or other international standards in compliance with Vietnamese law.

( CL-Fish Joint Stock Company (CL-Fish Corp – HOSE code: ACL) has recently announced its positive business results in the first quarter of 2014.

( Through April 2014, Song Tien Seafood Corporation (Sotico) got year-on-year rise in seafood exports in the four straight months. This period, Sotico exported 3,200 MT of seafood products to earn back US$6.6 million. The EU was the largest market which made up of 80 – 90 percent in the company's total export value. Products sold to the Middle East accounted for 10 – 20 percent in revenue.

( In the first quarter of 2014, Vietnamese pangasius exports had a worth of US$388.5 million, up 5.2 percent year on year. Pangasius products were sent to 126 countries and territories in the world, compared to 123 markets reported a year ago.

( In the first 4 months of 2014, commodity exports by Can Tho city reached only US$300 million, completing 19.3 percent of yearly plan and downing 24 percent year on year. It was mainly attributable to the decline in volume and value of main export items. The most significant drop was reported by seafood products with 27 percent, rice down 22 percent and handicraft down 7 percent.

( Through March 2014, Vietnamese pangasius exports had a worth of US$408 million, up 5.17 percent year on year. Shipments to the U.S. got strong rise while those to the EU were decreasing. The U.S. has passed the EU to be the leading pangasius importer of Vietnam.

( Due to some errors in calculation, the Department of Commerce (DOC) has recently informed some changes in its final results of the ninth antidumping duty administrative reviews (POR9) on certain frozen pangasius fillets imported from Vietnam from August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012.

( According to statistics from the International Trade Center (ITC), the U.K. sourced 11,770 MT of frozen pangasius and catfish fillets from 7 countries in the world, up 30 percent compared to that of 2012. In which, Vietnamese pangasius was 11,011 MT, accounting for 94 percent. However, the fish imported from the Netherlands got the highest growth of 426 percent, reached 447 MT.

Strong prices are driving Chinese tilapia farmers to harvest their fish early, causing a short supply of the larger sizes and a higher proportion of 300-500 gram fish, said industry players. Farmers are harvesting their fish as soon as possible, in part as they fear a drop in price ahead, said Landy Chow, the China representative for the exporter Siam Canadian Group.

R.H. Ward’s (Welton) tilapia farm, The Fish Company, in the United Kingdom is Europe’s first tilapia farm to attain Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification, the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) announced at Seafood Expo Global in Brussels, Belgium, on 6 May. It’s also the United Kingdom’s first aquaculture farm to achieve the distinction.

( By 2020, Can Tho province will have 26,000 hectares for aquaculture, 13,000-hectare increase compared to the current superficies. Fishery production is expected to reach 335,000 MT, 160,000 MT of which are exported for total value of over US$1 billion.

( Germany is Vietnam’s third largest pangasius importer in the EU market. Compared to 2011, pangasius exports to this market downed 35 percent to US$57.4 million in 2012, according to Vietnam Customs. Through September 15th, 2013, pangasius items sent to Germany valued at US$31.5 million, a drop of 17.5 percent against the corresponding time of 2012.

( In the first 9 months of 2013, An Giang province exported 127 thousand MT of seafood, worth by US$311 million, up 6.3 percent in value compared with the same time of 2012. The province has completed 82.4 percent of the yearly plan in terms of seafood export volume and 69.1 percent in terms of revenue.

( Through September 15th, 2013, Vietnam seafood exports to Brazil reached US$72.7 million, sharply increasing by 70.6 percent against the compatible period of last year, according to statistics from Vietnam Customs. The rise is chiefly led by a growth of 70.5 percent in pangasius sales to this destination.

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