
( Vietnamese pangasius exports to Brazil had a worth of US$106.04 million through November 2013, a year-on-year rise of 56 percent, according to Vietnam Customs. This was the highest growth among shipments to the 8 key markets for Vietnam’s pangasius products. In November 2013, Brazil consumed US$14.07 million of pangasius from Vietnam, up 35.8 percent month-over-month.

Bianfishco’s contracts with it’s

( Hung Vuong Corporation has prepared a total bonus of VND100 billion to offer its 14.000 workers and staff during Vietnam’s 2014 traditional Tet holiday, according to Duong Ngoc Minh, the company’s Chairman.

( In 2014, Hau Giang province set up platforms to purchase main agricultural products from local farmers. Agro products of the province will be displayed and traded there.

( Vietnam is on the process of free trade agreement (FTA) negotiation with the Customs Union of Russia - Belarus – Kazakhstan. Negotiations finished in this year are expected to enable Vietnam exporters to penetrate the lucrative market, the Vietnamese embassy’s trade counselor Pham Quang Niem said.

( In 2014, Godaco Seafood Joint Stock Company (Godaco) targets to earn US$80 million from seafood exports as its new seafood processing plant put into operation, said Mr. Le Son Tung, Vice Director of the company.

( Out of EU, Germany was the third largest importer of Vietnam pangasius. From the beginning of 2013 until the mid December 2013, pangasius exports to Germany valued at US$43.52 million, representing a year-on-year fall of 19.1 percent, the deepest dive out of EU’s 4 leading importers of Vietnam pangasius (Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and the U.K)

(IntraFish) After a drop earlier in the year from the highs of 2011, Atlantic cod prices have trended up slightly and settled at between $3,350 (€2,706) and $3,500 (€2,827) per metric ton, sources told IntraFish.

( In Vinh Long province, intensive pangasius farming area has reached 423 hectares, in which, farmers are breeding 278.5 hectares of fish, down 9.7 percent year-on-year.

( In 2012, An Giang Fisheries Import and Export Joint Stock Company (Agifish) will invest more in fish farming with an aim to ensure raw material for processing. These farms are expected to supply 30,000 MT of raw fish and help the company reach US$100 million of export revenue.

Vinh Hoan Corp has won a Grand Prize

Seafood Joint Stock Company No4 (Seapriexco No4 – HOSE code: TS4) reported to earn VND300 billion of net revenue in QIV/2013, up 15 percent year-on-year.

( U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) today delivered the following statement regarding the Agriculture Reform, Food, and Jobs Act of 2012, also known as the Farm Bill, on the floor of the U.S. Senate:

( Mr. President. In 2008, the Farm Bill’s conferees inserted a provision transferring authority over the inspection of catfish, and only catfish, from the Food and Drug Administration to the US Department of Agriculture. The provision never received debate in either the House or the Senate prior to its consideration in conference and it became law.

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