Up to 2024, hundreds sustainable certifications are implemented and certified by aquaculture sector in Vietnam

BAP: Vietnam get total of 727 BAP certified facilities.

ASC: There are 241 farms certified ASC

Global G.A.P:  Many companies certified.

  • Please click the different certificates belows to find more Vietnamese suppliers and farms granted 


To promote responsible practices across the aquaculture industry, the Global Aquaculture Alliance coordinates the development of Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification standards for hatcheries, farms, processing facilities and feed mills. 

The BAP program drives continued improvements via high standards that deliver significant benefits industrywide. The BAP standards cover aquaculture facilities for a variety of finish and crustacean species, as well as mussels.

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The ASC's mission is to transform aquaculture towards environmental sustainability and social responsibility using efficient market mechanisms that create value across the chain. 

ASC aims to be the world's leading certification and labelling programme for responsibly farmed seafood. The ASC’s primary role is to manage the global standards for responsible aquaculture, which were developed by the WWF Aquaculture Dialogues.

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GLOBALG.A.P.’s roots began in 1997 as EUREPGAP, an initiative by retailers belonging to the Euro-Retailer Produce

Working Group. British retailers working together with supermarkets in continental Europe become aware of consumers’ growing concerns regarding product safety, environmental impact and the health, safety and welfare of workers and animals.

GLOBALG.A.P. today is the world's leading farm assurance program, translating consumer requirements into Good Agricultural Practice in a rapidly growing list of countries – currently more than 100.

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To contribute to promoting aquaculture seafood, agriculture products and food safety in general and fruit and vegetable for consumption in the country in particular and exports, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued the Criteria VietGAP on 01/28/2008.

VietGAP (Vietnamese Good Agriculture Practices): Practices good agriculture production in Vietnam is based on 04 criteria, such as Standard on production techniques; Food safety including measures to ensure no chemical contamination or physical contamination during harvesting; Working environment aims to prevent abuse of the labor of farmers; Product traceability. 

On 31 December 2015, all commercial fish farms must apply and be certified by VietGAP or other international certifications under Decree No. 36/2014/ND-CP dated 29/04/2014 about farming, processing and export of pangasius products. The Decree comes into force on 20 June 2014. The certification program is encouraged in farming many other fishes in Vietnam.

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New rules require fish and fishery processors to eCertify

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued new rules that require processors of fish and fishery products to develop and implement e-certification systems for their operations.

The Ministry last year published guidelines on its website to assist processors in the development of their e-certification plans and to provide information to help them obtain the necessary permits authorizing them to export product to foreign markets.

The guide was developed by the National Agri-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department of the Ministry to provide ample time for processors to comply with the pending requirements for exporting to foreign markets.

These guidelines are generally referred to by the Department as the National Single Window system.

This system is expected to accelerate the pace of customs clearance, thereby improving trade effectiveness and competitiveness with foreign countries and within free trade regions such as ASEAN.

Vietnam and other ASEAN members have all agreed to each work out a national single window system customs clearance mechanism to achieve an ASEAN Single Window system to enhance regional trade.

These single window systems allow fish and fishery processors to declare information and documents in standardized form one-time only at a single location to complete and comply with all legal requirements concerning import, export and transit of product.

In the rules just released, the Department is requiring fish and fishery producers to contact one of their local offices to obtain assistance in applying for and obtaining e-certification for exports through the National Single Window system.

Effective as of March 1, the Republic of Korea will require all fish and fishery exporters to have complied with the National Single Window system e-certification rules and regulations pursuant to its free trade agreement with Vietnam and ASEAN.

A similar situation exists with China and all exports to that market beginning March 1 will require the Vietnamese exporter to have complied with the requirements of the National Single Window system.

Accordingly, effective March 15, the Department will stop providing assistance to any Vietnamese processor experiencing problems with exports to the ROK or China that has failed to properly register and comply with the law and related regulations for e-certification.

In addition, the Department put all fish and fishery producers on notice that shipments of product to the EU will also soon be subject to e-certification and the National Single Window system requirements.

The Department said it will issue further guidance for complying with the EU requirements later.

Source: dtinews
