
( The price of raw pangasius are increasing to VND22,000 – 23,000 per kilogram after a month of standing at around VND20,000 per kilogram. Rise in fish price may lead to higher price of pangasius fingerlings that encourages fish hatcheries to produce more fingerlings for commercial fish farming in the first months of 2013.

( According to D-Fish, in the first 7 months of 2012, the total fish production was estimated to hit over 3 million MT, reporting a year-on-year growth of 5.4 percent.

( Year to date, the capture production of ocean tuna of Khanh Hoa province reached 2 thousand MT, completing 50 percent of yearly plan.

( With an aim to supporting shrimp farmers in the Mekong River Delta, Grobest & I-Mei Industrial (Vietnam) Co., Ltd in cooperation with Minh Phu Seafood Corporation (Minh Phu Seafood Corp) purchased shrimp from farmers in Ben Tre, Tra Vinh, Soc Trang provinces with the price of VND2,000 – 5,000 per kilogram higher than market price, Mr. Mai Van Hoang – Deputy General Director of the company said.

( For the year so far, total aquatic farming area of the province has reached 296,180 hectares in which shrimp farming area is 266,241 hectares and freshwater aquatic area is 28,281 hectares.

( In July 16th 2012, the Office of the President of Vietnam held a press conference to announce the official ratification of the country’s Law of the Sea that was passed by the third session of the 13th National Assembly last month. It will take effect since January 1st 2013.

(VNS) The export turnover of aqua products in 2012 is likely to reach US$6.8 billion, about $200 million or 12 per cent higher than the previous forecast.

( Currently, the biggest challenge that seafood processors have to face is lack of capital while it is hard for them to access to bank loans.

( To ease hardship for pangasius farmers and processors, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) is expected to petition the Prime Minister for approval of two stimulus packages of VND4,400 billion for pangasius production and trade.

( To meet consumers’ demand for pangasius farmed in line with quality standards, An Giang province focused on applying model of commercial fish farming under safe standards.

( In the first three months of 2012, Vietnam pangasius export turnover rose sharply in some markets such as the U.S., Brazil, Spain but pangasius farmers and exporters are facing decreasing price of raw fish and lack of raw fish supply in the upcoming months.

( Directorate of Fisheries of Vietnam (D-Fish) in coordination with Dong Thap Department of Agriculture and Rural Development held a conference of enhancing pangasius seed quality in Mekong River Delta with the participation of scientists from Research Institutes of Aquaculture (RIA) and some local universities.

(SeafoodSource) IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative, SNV and seven seafood companies launched the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Accelerator on Wednesday. The Accelerator will help pangasius farmers reach ASC standards for responsible fish farming and will help create a viable pangasius industry in Vietnam with better access to European and North American markets, said ASC officials.

( In An Giang (a southern province of Vietnam), there are 17 seafood enterprises with 21 seafood processing plants and the total capacity of 150,000 MT. Raw material production of the province can meet 50 – 60 percent of processing demand. Seafood enterprises in the province tend to farm fish by themselves to ensure raw material for their processing.

( In April 17th 2012, VASEP held a conference of pangasius production in quarter I/2012 in Ho Chi Minh city with the participation of representatives from Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), Directorate of Fisheries (D-Fish), National Agro–Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department (NAFIQAD), provincial Sub-Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Associations, pangasius processors and exporters, fish farmers, fishery feed and drug producers, seed producing households.

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