Commission Regulation (EU) No.16/2012: Supplementing requirements concerning frozen food of animal origin intended for human consumption
( In January 11th 2012, the European Commission issued the Regulation (EC) No.16/2012, supplementing requirements concerning frozen animal food of animal human consumption. Accordingly, these requirements will be added in Section IV, Annex II Regulation (EC) No.853/2004 as follows: As regulated at Section IV, date of production of fish means the date of harvesting or catching.
At the stage at which food is labeled in accordance with Directive 2000/13/EC or used for further processing, food business operators must ensure that in the case of frozen food of animal origin intended for human consumption, the following information is required to be available to whom the food is supplied and, upon the request to the competent authority:
- the date of production.
- the date of freezing, if different from the date of production.
In case food is made from a batch of raw materials with different dates of production and of freezing, the latest dates of production and/or of freezing, as appropriate, must be available.
The supplier of the frozen food can choose the appropriate form in which the information must be made available and make sure the necessary information will be clear and available when the food is supplied.