
( In recent time, Vietnam seafood exports to European countries were affected by credit tightening policy in the region, however, after European Seafood Exposition 2012 in Brussels-Belgium, export outlook to the region is brighter.

( SUPA study gathered of market feedback and perceptions of certified and non-certified farmed Vietnamese Pangasius from the European retail sector, particularly from companies who buy and sell farmed seafood.

In the first six months of 2009 farmers

( Vietnam developed a draft decree on pangasius production and export with an aim to build up the fish industry under specific conditions. Accordingly, Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) was asked to collect from all relevant regulatory agencies and other stakeholders in the industry (including farmers, processors, exporters, associations and organizations) recommendations on the Decree, which was then submitted to be approved by the government.

Prices for single frozen pollock blocks from the US are now around the same price as double frozen blocks from China, creating a very tough climate for Chinese processors, sources told Undercurrent News.

( With a population of approximately 80.2 million inhabitants based on a census taken in 2011, the country wide consumption of seafood in Germany is an estimated 1,194,980 metric tons. Despite a drop in population this still ranks Germany as the 5th largest consumer of fish and seafood in Europe.

Twenty eight cooperative projects between Wallonie-Bruxelles and Vietnam will be implemented in 2013-2015 with total investment capitalisation of US$4.5 million.

( In the first quarter of 2012, Vinh Hoan Corporation (Vinh Hoan Corp) reached nearly VND955 billion of net revenue, 1.96 percent higher than the same quarter last year. However, the company’s post-tax profit totaled only more than VND49 billion, down 40.55 percent.

( According to Vietnam Customs, Vietnam exported US$34.9 million of pangasius products in first 10 months of 2013, up 13.9 percent against the compatible period of 2012.

Vietnam’s exports to Mexico are estimated at US$1.386 billion this year, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%, according to statistics from the Mexican Ministry of Economy.

Vietnam will develop its aquaculture in an industrial, modern and sustainable way to meet international standards, according to Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat.

( Beside pangasius exports, Hung Vuong Corporation is planning to introduce its agricultural food products in Indonesian and American supermarket chains in 2014.

( The Tilapia Center of Research Institute For Aquaculture No.1 (RIA1) under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development exported 20,000 NOVIT 4 - strain tilapia broodstocks to South America with the price of US$12/piece.The center is expanding the export markets for the coming years.

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