
( As of June 30th 2015, in Mekong Delta, pangasius farming area expanded by 1,959 hectares, up 0.21% year on year.

Dong Thap province has issued Decision No. 558 / QĐ-UBND to approve the plan of constructing pangasius production cooperative which its members link together under value chain.

( Pangasius export turnover in April 2015 of TG Corp reached US$ 1.386 million. By the end of April, the company has earned US$ 7.091 million in 2015.

( On 10th May, 2015, IDI Corp, a HOSE-listed company, organized shareholders' meeting, approving a plan aiming to earning a revenue of VND 3,012 billion and profit of VND 171 billion. If the plan works, IDI will raise revenue by 40% and boost profit by 90%, comparing to results in 2014.

( The company earned US$ 58.3 million in the first quarter of 2015. This represents a 33% year on year increase.

( Seafood Joint Stock Company No.4 plans to produce 11,500 MT of products and to earn a total revenue of VND 1,140 billion from export in 2015. Pre-tax profit is expected to be VND 22 billion, representing a slight increase from 2014.

( Starting to import pangasius from Vietnam in 2008 at around 600 MT/year with annual value of US$ 1.6 million, now, among ASEAN nations, after Thailand and Singapore, the Philippines is the third most popular destination for the fish.

( Bentre Aquaproduct Import And Export Joint Stock Company (stock code: ABT) showed its goal to produce 8,500 MT of finished products in 2015, with net sales of VND 500 billion and earning before tax reaching VND 80 billion.

( Through March 2015, shrimp production upped while pangasius yield downed

( Frozen fish fillet imports into Chile have increased in recent years. Vietnam is the leading supplier to the country, followed by China and Peru.

( Two new farms were added, raising the number of fish farms in Vinh Long province to 198. Total farming is 444 hectares, up 23.5 hectares from the end of 2014.

( An Giang Fisheries Import & Export Joint Stock Company leaders said, in 2014, the company farmed fish in 120 hectares, providing 40,000 MT of raw fish. The company aims to expand farming area to 150 hectares and lower rearing price in 2015.

( new rules will make it difficult to export catfish and pangasius to the US. As a matter of fact, the rules will trouble Vietnamese exporters and exporters from other country and also affect America's seafood manufacturers.

( Trade deals with major importing markets promise better conditions for Vietnam pangasius exports in 2015.

( Pangasius harvest in the first two months of 2015 was estimated at over 103,000 MT, slightly down from last year’s.

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