Pangasius sales to China up 76% in Jan-Oct 2016

( China (including Hong Kong) is more likely to become Vietnam’s largest pangasius market in 2017.

Pangasius exports to mainland China and Hong Kong in the first ten months of this year reached US$235.5 million, up 76 percent against the same period last year. Pangasius exports to this market has grown constantly in the past two years.

China has surpassed the EU to become Vietnam’s second largest pangasius market as of September 2016.

The Chinese customers’ demand for pangasius imports increased due to reasonable price, said the Vietnam Trade Promotion Office in Chongquing (China).

Although the U.S. is the Vietnam’s largest pangasius market, high anti-dumping taxes and the catfish inspection programme of the U.S. Department of Agriculture are barriers for Vietnamese pangasius exporters.

It is forecasted that pangasius exports to the U.S. market in 2017 will be not as high as that in 2016.

It is also the reason for China to possibly become the largest market for Vietnamese pangasius in 2017.

Pangasius material markets in Mekong Delta provinces are now sluggish in terms of purchasing power and price, as pangasius processing plants were buying and producing moderately after collecting sufficient goods to export to the EU, the U.S. and China on Christmas and New Year occasions.

Compiled by Kim Thu



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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