Vinh Long: fish farming in 18% of the area of rice fields

( Recently, People's Committee of Vinh Long has approved the project on fish farming in paddy fields period 2014 - 2015, with total budget of nearly VND 2 billion. In the past 2 months, Vinh Long agricultural authorities has supported 330,000 farmers with fish fingerlings to develop fish farming project in rice fields.

Project covered the area of 33 hectare in My Phuoc commune, Hieu Nhon commune and Thanh Hieu commune, with VND 400 million investment. Farmers participating in the project is supported with fingerlings and 30% of the feeding costs along with technical guidance.

According to agricultural authorities, over 1,000 hectares of land were suitable for growing both rice and fish, however, only 180 hectares (equivalent to 18%) was utilized for this growing model. 



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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