Vinh Hoan: Introducing untreated premium pangasius fillets

( According to Vinh Hoan Joint Stock Company (Vinh Hoan Corp), to meet the demand for natural food, Vinh Hoan introduced its untreated premium pangasius fillets at the Seafood Expo Global in Brussels, on Apr, 26th – 28th 2016.

These items from Vinh Hoan have superior quality with delicious flavors and ensure food safety.

Increasingly, consumers are more interested in natural food and senior premium pangasius fillets of Vinh Hoan fully meet this standard. With its commitments to sustainable products, the company will lead its untreated premium pangasius products, said  Ms. Ngo Vi Tam Nguyen, Sales & Marketing Director of Vinh Hoan Corp.

Visitors to Vinh Hoan’s booth No.5-553 experienced first-hand the advantages of the new untreated Premium Pangasius offerings. Activities included live demonstrations by Paul Keasey, Product Development Manager.

Vinh Hoan is one of the largest pangasius producers in the world and aims to develop sustainable aquaculture. The company committed to meeting the strictest standards of the industry on food safety, traceability, environmental protection and social responsibility.


Written by Ngoc Thuy

Compiled by Dieu Thuy   



Ms Thu Hang


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