Vietnamese pangasius dominates EU market

The Vietnamese Pangasius (tra basa)

Up to 64% tariffs were slapped on all Vietnamese exports. But the crisis never materialised as exporters simply switched their focus to the EU and other markets.

History upstream

Farmer Khuu Duc Hung feels very excited since Pangasius (tra, basa) prices have recently gone up sharply,  and show signs to rise further.

He has also increased his farm’s capacity from 1,700 MT in 2005 to 2,500 MT this year. ‘I am looking forward to this year’s harvest’, he said.

However, higher Pangasius outputs may not be an unmitigated boom since, for the last few years, the market has been staggering from one crisis to another because of a volatility in supply. The boom and bust cycle has been happening at an alarming frequency for the Vietnamese Pangasius industry.

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Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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