VietGAP adopted by all pangasius farms by 2016

( By 2016, all pangasius farmers and enterprises in Vietnam would be required to adopt VietGAP (Vietnamese Good Agricultural Practices) or other standards like ASC, GlobalGAP in pangasius farming.

The requirement is stated in the draft Decree on pangasius farming, processing and exporting by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD). Pangasius farmers, processors and exporters are requested to contribute their opinions for the draft.

The Decree is expected to take effect since Jan 1st 2016.

Since 2011, MARD has issued a decision on applying VietGAP into pangasius production. MARD targeted that by 2015, at least 30 percent of fish farmers must farm fish in compliance with VietGAP. The Ministry aims to increase the rate to 80 percent by 2020.

However, year-to-date pangasius farming area under VietGAP only accounts for a small proportion among total farming area, according to Directorate of Fisheries.

Pangasius producers are applying different standards to meet requirements set by different markets. For instance, Hung Vuong Corp adopts ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) for fish exported to Nordic countries and Germany while GlobalGAP is for fish to sale to other markets, according to Mr. Duong Ngoc Minh, General Director of Hung Vuong Corp.

Not only complying with VietGAP, ASC or GlobalGAP, pangasius producers must have their farming area located in planned area by the provincial People Committee.

According to MARD, in 2013, pangasius farming area throughout the country reached 5,950 hectares with output of 977,000 MT. Dong Thap reported the highest area of 1,875 hectares, reaping the production of 342,000 MT. Ben Tre harvested 154,000 MT on the area of 700 hectares. Vinh Long yielded 101,000 MT on the area of 425 hectares.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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