Tra Vinh: Fund VND7.6 billion to pangasius supply chain

Under the pangasius farming planning

Tra Vinh provincial People’s Committee has approved to allow the project coordination board of the project on the improvement of market presence for the poor in the province (IMPP-TV) to receive a fund of VND7.6 billion from the sustainable pangasius supply chain. It is funded by German Technical Cooperation (GTZ), Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Global GAP to support farmers, processors and feed manufacturers who operates in the suitable supply chain complied with the standards and international certificates on sustainable production and sells certificated pangasius to EU. Currently, Tra Vinh has over 100 ha of pangasius farming for export with the output of 20,000 MT.

The program is applied for the medium, small scale pangasius farming community as well as pangasius farmers and production cooperatives in Tra Vinh during 2 years from 2010 to 2012.

Under the pangasius farming planning by 2015, the province has 2,710 ha of pangasius farming area with the output of 200,000 MT and by 2020 are 3,871 ha with 290,000 MT of output.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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