Thua Thien - Hue - Diversifying farmed species and aquaculture models

Aquaculture area has increased at

Large area for aquaculture

The province of Thua Thien- Hue has more than 23,500ha can be used for aquaculture, much of which is brackish water in Tam Giang Lagoon. This is the largest lagoon in the Southeast Asia, stretching 68km with the total area of 21,600ha. The lagoon has a diversified ecosystem with more than 162 fish species, 12 shrimp species and other bivalve mollusks. The annual fishing catch from the lagoon is about 3,000MT.

With a coastline of 126km and five estuaries, aquaculture industry in Thua Thien-Hue developed so early with large involvement of local people. Despite that aquaculture development is unplanned plus high stocking density leading to environmental pollution and diseases.

Aquaculture area has increased at a rate of 16 percent per year. The provincial aquaculture area in 2007 was 5,447ha, two times higher than that of 2006, of which 3,712ha of brackish and salt water and 1,735ha of freshwater.

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Ms Thu Hang


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