Thanh Hoa developing fisheries economy

During the last years Thanh Hoa fisheries

Large potentials

With sea waters covering 17,000, Thanh Hoa Province has favourable natural conditions for developing fishing, aquaculture, seafood processing and fisheries logistics services. In 2007 the provincial fisheries production totaled 83,830MT, up 5.82 percent over 2006, production value was VND778 billion, and seafood exports US$31.46 billion.

Most of provincial seafood plants and enterprises have experienced important changes, from expanding production, searching for new markets to training, improving professional skills, etc. To date, Thanh Hoa has seven joint-stock companies, 16 limited companies, four private enterprises, 42 cooperatives and 14 production groups. Marine fishing fleet of Thanh Hoa Province includes 5,020 vessels with the combined capacity of 173,500HP. Most fishing vessels are newly built, repaired, innovated and installed with modern equipments to improve efficiency and safety.

The marine fishing sector creates regular jobs for 28,000 workers and gained a production of 58,200MT in 2007, up 4.8 percent over 2006. In parallel with marine fishing, in the past years provincial authorities focused on aquaculture expansion, shifting low efficient paddy-field, sedge growing, sandy land and deserted land to aquaculture. As a result, aquaculture area in 2007 reached 16,700ha, up 3 percent and production was 23,152MT, an increase of 8.16 percent compared to 2006.

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Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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