Strictly control on the quality of exported frozen finfish

On 04th January 2008 the Ministry

On 04th January 2008, the Ministry of Vietnam Agriculture and Rural Development promulgated a new regulation on labeling and using additives in processing frozen finfish. Enterprises violating the regulation will be notified to their importers and customers.

According to the regulation, the label of exported frozen finfish products must be conformed to requirements by importing countries. All necessary information such as net weight, gross weight and glaze level must be recorded exactly in the label.

Relating to additives used in frozen finfish processing, these must be in the list of permitted ones which are approved by both Vietnam and importing countries. The level of additives must be not exceeded the permitted limit.

All consignments which are not satisfied to the regulation will not be granted the certification for export or for domestic sale.  



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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