VASEP Training and Trade Promotion Center (VASEP.PRO) intend to conduct two training courses in sensory evaluation for the two main export seafood subjects including shrimp and pangasius with the teaching and practice guidance of Mr. James Barnett, a leading sensory expert of the United States and a former senior official of the U.S. FDA

International Training Courses 2014 - Third Round in Viet Nam:


Sensory evaluation is one of the compulsory procedures at import inspection stations of many importing countries; especially in the United States, inspectors of the Food Administration and Drug (US FDA) directly take samples and inspect imported seafood product consignments.  According to statistics of the US FDA and imported seafood warning channels, reasons related to sensory evaluations for which seafood shipments were rejected or seafood enterprises were put on warning lists usually have been accounted the highest rate, in which the most reasons were filth and decomposition..

According to sensory evaluation experts, enterprises can fully identify and eliminate defects related to sensory at the enterprises through implementation of a preliminary sensory evaluation during whole process from raw material reception to step before shipment. This significantly helps enterprises eliminate/reduce substandard products to avoid consequences related to economic damage or reputation damage of the enterprises.

With importance of seafood product sensory evaluation knowledge and skills for export enterprise staff, the VASEP Training and Trade Promotion Center (VASEP.PRO) under of Vietnam Association of Seafood Entrepreneurs (VASEP) intend to conduct two training courses in sensory evaluation for the two main export seafood subjects including shrimp and pangasius with the teaching and practice guidance of Mr. James Barnett, a leading sensory expert of the United States and a former senior official of the U.S. FDA:

I. Time and Venue:

- 24-25 Nov, 2014Fresh/Frozen Shrimp Sensory.

- 27 Nov, 2014: Pangasius Species:  US FDA and Import Concerns.

In Cuu Long Hotel (***) 52 Quang Trung Str., Ninh Kieu Dist., Can Tho City, Viet Nam

II. Training course contents

1. Regulations and standards of the US FDA on acceptable and rejectable levels in sensory evaluation as well as food safety hazards.

2. Tools and techniques of sensory and quality assessment practices of:

- Prawn, including fresh and cooked shrimp and frozen shrimp of 2 main export species of Vietnam: black tiger shrimp and vannamei shrimp.

- Pangasius

3. Sensory evaluation practice on shrimp and pangasius samples.

III. Participants

1. QA/QC, Sensory evaluators, technicians in seafood processing enterprises.

2. Quality control staff, researchers and analyzers at institutes, universities and governmental authorities related to seafood quality.

3. Interested individual, raw material collectors, middlemen.


James Barnett with over 33 years experience working for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a food and seafood  sensory analyst and then as FDA’s National/International Seafood Sensory Expert, He brings to the table valuable sensory knowledge.

Further details please contact us:

Programme Officer: Ms Ngoc Dzung, Tel: +84.43.8354496 – Ext 223; Mobile: +84 988-428-828, Email:

Programme Officer: Ms Hien Nguyen, Tel: +84.43.8354496 – Ext 210; Mobile: +84 906-076-587, Email:

Or visit:

Sensory Evaluation 2014. Can Tho Viet Nam

Information of Expert

Registration form



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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