SAMEFICO’s pangasius hatcheries granted GlobalGAP certificate

( Sai Gon-Mekong Fishery Company (SAMEFICO) has been granted GlobalGAP certificate for two pangasius hatcheries, helping to develop the firm’s completed fish production chain from “farm to table”.

The two farms are located in Cang Long district and Chau Thanh district in Tra Vinh province. These are also the first GlobalGAP-certified pangasius hatcheries in Tra Vinh province. GlobalGAP certificate granted to two other pangasius hatcheries in Mekong region.

SAMEFICO’s hatcheries will provide a total of 27.5 million of seeds per year of which Cang Long-based hatchery produces 150 million of fries and 15.5 million of fingerlings per year.

With the new certificate, SAMEFICO can assure its supply of high quality and disease-free pangasius seed for its owned fish farming areas. The company will also provide fish seed to local fish farmers and those outside the province.

SAMEFICO is the leading company in Tra Vinh province having pangasius production chain in line with GlobalGAP standards. It operates a GlobalGAP-certified farming area in Chau Thanh district with total superficies of 20 hectares.   

Moreover, Tra Vinh-based company is applying ASC standards in other commercial fish farms of 20 hectare and expects to gain ASC certificate soon. Each year, SAMEFICO’s fish farms supply about 12.000 MT of raw material to its processing plant.

Currently, the firm exports fish products to many markets like the U.S., Australia, the EU and some Asian and African markets. It also tends to speed up export to new markets in the next future.

In 2011, SAMEFICO generated a turnover of more than VND 400 billion, up 36.14 percent from the previous year. It targets to reach a 30 percent growth this year.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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