Producing more whiteleg shrimp seed

( To meet seed demand of shrimp farmers, in the years ahead, Vietnam will gradually raise the amount of whiteleg shrimp seed and farming area.

According to the Decision No. 1771/QĐ-BNN-TCTS on approving system of research, production and distribution of aquatic seed towards 2020 of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), by 2015 Vietnam will produce 100 percent of aquatic seed with an aim to satisfying domestic demand instead of importing in the past time.

However, in the list of key aquatic seed, almost seed rises after each year but black tiger shrimp seed falls. In detail, by 2015 Vietnam will produce 30 billion black tiger shrimp seed but by 2020, it is only 29 billion while whiteleg shrimp seed rises to 57 billion by 2020 from 33 billion in 2015.

Whiteleg shrimp has been more and more loved in international markets. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the trend with strengthening to farm whiteleg shrimp more than black tiger shrimp, VASEP general secretary Truong Dinh Hoe told.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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