Press Release: Vietnam pangasius exports to the U.S still steady after August 2, 2017

( Pangasius exports to the United States declined in the first quarter due to a shortage of raw materials, but recovered in the second quarter with an 8.4% increase thanks to rising demand and the increase in raw material supply. Vietnam pangasius exports to the market is still steady after August 2, 2017, when all batches of products of Siluriformes fish that are to be shipped to the United States will have to undergo food safety tests.


Vietnam pangasius exports to the U.S still steady after August 2, 2017

Pangasius exports to the United States declined in the first quarter due to a shortage of raw materials, but recovered in the second quarter  

with an 8.4% increase thanks to rising demand and the increase in raw material supply.  Vietnam pangasius exports to the market is still steady after August 2, 2017, when all batches of products of Siluriformes fish that are to be shipped to the United States will have to undergo food safety tests.

Concerned about the catfish inspection program, Mr. Truong Dinh Hoe - General Secretary of Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (“VASEP) said that, while the equivalence process is not yet finished, it is prudent not to assume any possibility of Vietnam not passing through the equivalence determination or the consequential suspension of the on-going exports to the U.S. at any specific time.  He added that during the 18-month transitional period, both sides have worked out cooperative approaches to common issues in question and FSIS has also given close guidance on how to comply with the US  requirements.

After receiving the official letter of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (“FSIS”) informing ahead schedule inspection of Siluriformes fish (starting August 02. 2017 instead of September 01, 2017), the National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department (“NAFIQAD”) has provided guidance to establishments eligible for exports to the U.S. (as listed in on the inspection requirements regarding labeling, detailed inspection contents, testing parameters for chemicals residues and speciation,etc,.. Following this guidance, on August 15, 2017 Vietnam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development issued Decision 3379/QD-BNN-QLCL providing the Siluriformes Controlling Program for exports to the U.S. effective as of September 1, 2017.

NAFIQAD is also preparing a complete equivalence package to be submitted to FSIS on August 20, 2017. After that, FSIS will initiate the review process of the submitted documentation, and if the submission provides an initial basis for believing the country to be equivalent, FSIS will do an in-country audit.

Although Hoe believes that Vietnam pangasius industry has been well developed with substantial and stringent food safety control system to be determined equivalent, he expressed a concern that an import discrimination policy from the U.S. government may cause unfavorable and unfair decision against Vietnam. 

VASEP hopes that there will be solutions by the 2 governments not to disrupt free trade between the two countries.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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