Pollock and cod catches lead 2.4% increase in Russia's YoY fish landings

Russian fishermen have caught 2.549 million tonnes of fish since the beginning of the year, which is 2.4% more than they caught in the same period of 2012, the Federal Fisheries Agency (Rosrybolovstvo) reported.

Fishers boosted their catch in the Far Eastern Basin by 32,000 tonnes to 1.727 million tonnes. Pollock was the main hunt in the area, at almost 1.2 million tonnes, up 5,800 tonnes.

In the Northern Basin, the fish catch was up 600 tonnes year-to-date to 393,600 tonnes. The cod catch grew by 53,000 tonnes to 272,000 tonnes, whereas the haddock catch dropped 51,500 tonnes to 49,600 tonnes, and the capelin catch fell 3,300 tonnes to 60,400 tonnes.

Russian fishers reeled in 27,200 tonnes of fish (down 1,300 tonnes from last year) in the Baltic Sea. They caught 1,600 fewer tonnes of Baltic herring, at 7,100 tonnes.

Fishers caught 16,600 tonnes of fish (down 800 tonnes) in the Azov-Black Sea Basin, and 19,900 tonnes of fish (up 900 tonnes) in the Caspian Basin.

In the waters of foreign states, Russian fishermen caught 242,400 tonnes of fish, or 14,500 tonnes more than they caught last year. In convention areas and open parts of the World Ocean, the catch rose 13,300 tonnes to 121,500 tonnes.



Ms Thu Hang

Email: thuhang@vasep.com.vn

Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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