Planning for 2,000 hectares of VietGAP pangasius farms

( According to Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Dong Thap, the province made a plan, in which farms for pangasius in 2015 would be 1,500 hectares with production of 370,000 MT and in 2020, the farming area would be 2,000 hectares with production of 500,000 MT.

Commercial pangasius farming areas in Dong Thap are located along Tien river, in Thanh Binh District, Chau Thanh , Hong Ngu, Cao Lanh, Lap Vo, Lai Vung districts, Hong Ngu town, Sa Dec city and Cao Lanh city.

Farming areas in Tam Nong and Tan Hong district would remain stable with VietGAP applied ones. 

The whole farming area in the Mekong Delta, as planned, would be 5,300 to 5,400 hectares, yielding 1.25 to 1.3 million MT with export turnover to reach US$ 2 - 2.3 billion. In 2020, this area will be expanded to 7,600-7,800 hectares.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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