Norwegian fresh cod exports jump 95% in 2013

Norway exported 38,004 metric tons of fresh cod in the first 33 weeks of 2013, a jump of 95.4 percent on the 19,445 metric tons exported during the same period a year earlier.

Meanwhile, the price of cod fell over the same period from an average of NOK 22.31 (€2.9/$3.8) per kilo FOB in 2012 to an average of NOK 17.06 (€2.2/$2.9) per kilo in 2013 -- a drop of 23.5 percent.

During week 33 alone, Norway exported 303 metric tons of cod at an average price of NOK 23.22 (€3/$3.9) per kilo, while in the same week a year earlier the tonnage stood at 249 metric tons and the price was NOK 22.36 (€2.9/$3.8).

Denmark was the biggest market for Norwegian cod exports with 20,499 metric tons over the 33 week period in 2013, almost doubling the amount exported to Denmark over the same period in 2012 when it was 10,634 metric tons. This represented an increase in exports of 92.7 percent year-on-year.

France followed Denmark as the second largest market for Norwegian cod exports, receiving 3,440 metric tons in the first 33 weeks of 2013 compared with 1,399 metric tons in the same period a year earlier. An increase of 146 percent.

In week 33 alone Norway exported 47 metric tons of fresh cod to France, up 176.4 percent from the 17 tons it exported in week 33 in 2012. The average price over this period dropped from NOK 23 (€2.9/$3.9) to NOK 19.6 (€2.5/$3.3) per kilo FOB a decrease of 14.8 percent.



Ms Thu Hang


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