Ninh Thuan fishermen supported by satellite devices

The southern central province of Ninh Thuan is installing satellite positioning machines on 77 fishing boats to facilitate fishermen’s safe and productive operation at sea and contribute to protecting the country’s sea and island sovereignty.

The move is part of a project on monitoring fishing boats, fishing grounds and aquaculture resources using satellite technology, known in short as Movimar.

By May 7, 54 out of the planned vessels were equipped with satellite positioning machines, which are designed to work automatically in all weather patterns.

The satellite technology allows fishermen to receive updated sea weather forecast sent by inshore monitoring stations and send back signals that help authorised agencies to position their boats in case of emergency.

In addition, the satellite positioning system will provide timely and accurate forecast on fishing fields, helping fishermen with more effective catching and reduced risks.

The Movimar project is run by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in partners with the French company, Collecte Localisation Satellites SA.

Under the project, there will be 3,000 boats of more than 90 CV fishing offshore in 28 coastal provinces and cities will be selected to be equipped with the satellite devices.

Being implemented from 2011 to 2013, the project aims to perfect the sea fishing management information system, meeting requirements of industrialisation and modernisation of the aquatic sector, effectively and safely monitoring fish catch, contributing to ensuring the order, and national security and sovereignty at sea.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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