Ms Nguyen Ngo Vi Tam – new CEO of Vinh Hoan Corp

( Ms Nguyen Ngo Vi Tam is a lawyer with Master of Business Administration and started working at Vinh Hoan 13 years ago. At Vinh Hoan Corp, she used to work as a Member of BoD cum Sales & Marketing Director and she has been appointed to be the new CEO of Vinh Hoan Corporation since 23rd May, 2016.

With petite, quiet appearance; Vi Tam is actually a smart and acumen girl. She together with Mrs Truong Thi Le Khanh – Chairwoman cum CEO of Vinh Hoan Corp implemented a judicious strategy for the lawsuit of dumping pangasius in the US. As a result, Vinh Hoan benefits from low antidumping duty in 3 consecutive years of 2008, 2009, 2010. Up to now, Vinh Hoan has enjoyed the antidumping duty rate of 0% that creates a uniquely competitive advantage for the company in the US market.

Ms. Vi Tam has also made a significant contribution into developing the EU market despite its strict quality requirements. In particular, the Dutch people are increasingly favoring pangasius that proves the excellent efforts of Vinh Hoan in general and Vi Tam in particular. Thanks to fast development of Vinh Hoan’s production capacity, reputation and reliability; the number of customers of the company are increasingly high, surpassing production capacity. To meet the growing demand of customers, Vinh Hoan has continuously expanded its production scale and farming activities in recent years. The export turnover by the company reached US$228 million in 2015.

Along with achievements, Vietnam pangasius industry is always facing challenges. This year, while confronting with persistent antidumping lawsuit, the businesses must renovate management, upgrade plants and facilities to meet requirements of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) under Farm Bill that has just taken into effect.

With spectacular achievements, skilled workforce and professional management team, Vinh Hoan under the direction of new CEO - Ms. Vi Tam will continue to develop and reach new achievements, deserving to be the leading enterprise of Vietnam pangasius industry.


Compiled by Kim Thu



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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