Malaysia plans major increase in aquaculture

‘It was in the 1980s that intensification

He stressed aquaculture is crucial to reducing the gap between supply and demand for seafood. That is why the Malaysian government has determined that aquaculture is definitely an area for investment.

In the three-year plan for development of the industry, efforts will be made to locate suitable areas for aquaculture activities. The government will focus on raising the status of employment connected to agriculture and fisheries. In addition, the government is eager to stimulate more private investment in the aquaculture industry.

At present it is mostly marine species that are farmed in Malaysia. But also here are freshwater species such as tilapia, which are gaining ground at considerable speed. In 2009 the export value of Malaysian aquaculture was around US$1.7 billion. The most important market is North America.

The country exports huge quantities of aquarium fish. In 2008 the value of aquarium fish production was around US$137 million, of which 90 percent was exported. (Intrafish)



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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