IDI Corp plans to earn VND 171 billion

( On 10th May, 2015, IDI Corp, a HOSE-listed company, organized shareholders' meeting, approving a plan aiming to earning a revenue of VND 3,012 billion and profit of VND 171 billion. If the plan works, IDI will raise revenue by 40% and boost profit by 90%, comparing to results in 2014.

In 2015, the building of company-owned seafood processing plant No.2 and an aquatic food processor will be completed. Once these plants are in operation, revenue which the company earns can exceed VND 3,012 billion.

Leader of the company revealed that in 2015 raw material inputs were stable. Ranee, their fish oil product will be available in the US, Singapore and China. The company is currently waiting for export license.

In Q1/2015, IDI earned nearly VND 560 billion, up 9% year-on-year. Profit after tax was VND 21 billion, double the same period.

Reportedly, in 2014, its revenue was as much as VND 2,120 billion, up 18%. Profit after tax was VND 90.4 billion, which was more than 2.2 times as in 2013. Profit rocketed because the company could manage raw material with a farming area of about 150 hectares. The farming area can fulfill 80% of total needs from the plant. This also resulted in a 10% reduction in material costs.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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