Hung Vuong Corporation: Export values projected at USD 80 million

Hung Vuong Corporation based in My

According to the production plan for 2007 - 2010, the company projected their sales in 2007 at VND 1,600 billion, export values at USD 80 million and profit at VND 140 billion. Hung Vuong strives to improve their sales to VND 2,200 billion, export earnings to USD 120 million and profit to VND 200 billion by 2010.

The company takes initiative in fish raw material supply by itself in close linkage with stable consumption markets, well-trained employees, advanced equipments, reliable buyers and experienced board of management. Hung Vuong makes great efforts to become a strong multi-sectorial business corporation focusing on pangasius fillets export, cold storage and real estates.

To reach the targets, Hung Vuong Corporation has many solutions, including investment in pangasius raw material production areas applying industrial farming model in 80ha, which have yielded 30,000-40,000 tons/year. By 2010, the company’s raw material production areas will be raised to 120ha, yield will be improved to 80,000 tons/year.

At present, frozen pangasius products of the company are exported to Europe, America, Asia, Middle East and Eastern Europe.




Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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