Honduras expects to export 20 million pounds of tilapia this year

(seafood.com) This year Honduras expects to export at least 20 million pounds of tilapia, according to a report in La Prensa.In 2011 exports of tilapia to the U.S., Canada and Mexico totaled just over 19 million pounds.

According to Orlando Delgado, manager of Aquafinca Saint Peter Fish, "This year we are exporting a higher value cuts of tilapia that have an additional value to the steak, and it is directed to a segment of the upper middle class market in the US."

Roberto Reinauld, national director of Digipesca, said the government is assisting producers of tilapia at its research center in Comaygua as well as encouraging the grow out of sea bass among other species.



Ms Thu Hang

Email: thuhang@vasep.com.vn

Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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