Farming without antibiotics and experimental application of vaccine for pangasius fish

On March 20 2008 Vinh Hoan signed

The experiment shall be done over a pilot farm of 6,500 m2. Huong Giang provides Vinh Hoan with nutrition and environmental treatments to farm healthy fish without usage of medicines but guarantee reasonable farming cost and feed consumption ratio. This experiment promises a bright of "non medicines farming" which has been recently a great concern for consumers.

In line with the above program, Vinh Hoan has signed a memorandum with the Research Institute of Aquaculture II (RIA II) over co-operation in scientific researches, specifically:

- Vinh Hoan shall invest in the program of “Anti-disease selected Fingerlings" carried on by RIA II;

- RIA II shall monthly send their engineers to Vinh Hoan farms to give technical advices and supervise farming activities;

- Vinh Hoan shall invest in the last stage of the research in vaccination for pangasius which has been carried on by RIA II.

 With these projects Vinh Hoan is targeting a profound development for its farming activities. The company shall enjoy healthy fingerlings which are anti diseased, be a pioneer in application and distribution of vaccine for pangasius fish and guarantee farming quality. 

 Further the memorandum of co-operation in scientific researches; Vinh Hoan and the Research Institute of Agriculture II (RIA II) have signed an agreement over experimental application of vaccine for pangasius fish. Vinh Hoan shall supply finance for the program. Vinh Hoan shall also supply a pilot farm with fish to be injected with the vaccine. If succeed, the two parties shall organize mass production and distribution of this vaccine in the local market. This will promise a critical development for the pangasius aquaculture in which  no antibiotics farming is a big concern and target.





Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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