Farmed cod prices still dropping

(IntraFish) Norwegian export prices of farmed cod continued their downward trend in the last week of January, despite volumes decreasing as well. Prices of Norwegian farmed cod down by nearly €1 per kilo since last week of 2011.

Farmed cod was exported at an average of NOK 23.42 (€3.06/$4.03) per kilo in week 4.

That’s almost NOK 2 (€0.26/$0.34) down from the previous week -- and as much as NOK 7.39 (€0.97/$1.27) down from the last week of 2011.

The figures were released by the Norwegian Seafood Council.

The same figures show that exports volumes were also down in the last week of January, with only 70 metric tons exported, down from 86 metric tons in week 3.

The average export price in week 3 was NOK 25.28 (€3.3/$4.35) per kilo.



Ms Thu Hang


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