Despite Storms 54 Pct Higher Tuna Catches

( Despite unfavorable weather, fishermen in Vietnam experienced good tuna catches.

Last month, two storms in the south and low tropical pressures in the north affected fishing activities.

However, more tuna, scad and anchovies have been caught in recent weeks.

In the central province of Binh Dinh, one of the country’s major tuna fishing provinces, fishermen caught 618 tons of tuna in January, up 54 percent against the same period last year, according to the province.

Mai Kim Thi, head of the province’s Sub-department of Aquatic Resource Exploitation and Protection, said this was the main season for catching tuna.

The price of tuna is now VND 60,000-65,000 (USD 2.88-3.12) per kilo, a drop of half against the same period last year.

However, fishing boats still earned a profit of VND 40-100 million (USD 1,921-4,802) for each trip, Thi said.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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