Dak Lak: Enrich the local fishery resources

The Dak Lak’s sub-Department of

Yang Re Lake has a water surface of more than 50ha, with 4.5 million cubic meter of water per year to provide water for agriculture production in two communes of Yang Reh and Ea Trul. Meanwhile, the lake has favorable conditions for aquaculture operation to create jobs and incomes for local residents.

Twice in May, the local sub-Department of Fisheries stocked 48,000 fish fries in the lakes of Ea Nhai (Cu M’gar) and Ea Sup.

According to the plan, in the rainy season of 2010, the Dak Lak sub-Department of Fisheries will stock 131,000 fish fries in some lakes in six districts of the province. The fish being stocked include featherback (7,000), grass carp (46,000), silver carp (42,500), carp (22,000), rohu (11,000) with a total investment of VND70 million. (VietFishNews)



Ms Thu Hang

Email: thuhang@vasep.com.vn

Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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