Conference “Global GAP : sustainable development way for fisheries”

Good Agricultural Practice is now

Recently, the Bureau Veritas Certification Vietnam held a conference named “Global GAP: sustainable development way for Fisheries” in Can Tho with an aim to help Vietnamese seafood entreprises more update new information about applying Global GAP.

According to experts from the Bureau Veritas Certification Vietnam, in the context that many countries are using technical barriers to limit the import volume of farm products which may cause risks to consumers, producers need to apply Global GAP standards to farming and processing if they want to see their seafood products in the international markets. Morerover, the production under Global GAP standards is a sustainable development way for Vietnamese fisheries.

The applications of Global GAP standards  become recently a compulsory trade requirement of customers (retailers, traders, exporters). Besides, having Global GAP certificate could improve business efficiency and competitiveness, and create  consumers trust. The products selling prices will increase to 20% compared with uncertificated ones.

The Bureau Veritas Certification Vietnam says, in order to make their seafood products satisfy Global GAP standards, entreprises need not only to respect requirement in farming and processing schedule, but also to use Global GAP certificated juveniles and feed.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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