Can Tho: Superficies for fish farming up over 72 percent

( Until May 22nd 2014, superficies for fish farming in Can Tho city reached 5,466 hectares, up 72.76 percent year on year, according to Can Tho Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Up to now, fish farmers in the city have harvested 42,648 MT on the farming area of 709 hectares, completing 23.05 percent of the city’s yearly plan in fish output.

In which superficies for pangasius farming hit 688 hectares, down 12.91 percent year on year. Local farmers have harvested 170 hectares with the production of 34,422 MT, fulfilling 22.95 percent of the target and down 14.56 percent year on year.

Local authorities are applying sustainable standards into establishing the farming area of 127.1 hectares including 25 hectares under GlobalGAP, 1 hectare under VietGAP, 67 hectares under ASC and 34.1 hectares under BMP. These farming areas are mainly run by local seafood processors.

In the next time, local authorities continue to expand the city’s farming areas under sustainable standards with an aim to raise productivity and meet the market demand towards sustainable development.

Besides, the city intensifies controlling feed, chemicals, bioproducts used in aquaculture in order to lower production costs and protect the environment.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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