Bac Giang: Aquaculture strongly developed

 Currently, a water surface area used for aquaculture in Bac Giang reaches 11,966ha. In 2009, commercial seafood output amounted to 14,122MT.

In the province, there are 47 aquaculture cooperatives, 391 aquaculture farms with 600ha of water surface, and 12 fish hatcheries which are capable to provide enough seeds for local farmers. The province’s Aquatic Seeds Center succeeded in producing seeds of valuable species such as Semilabeo notabilis and Mystus. At the locality, there are 300 soft-shell tortoise farming units, of which many are able to produce Trionyx steinachderi, a valuable species.

Many fish farms at the locality have applied the intensive farming techniques with fish output of 10-20MT per ha per year.

To implement the project to farm commercially fish, in 2009, Bac Giang authorities invested VND630 million to develop the intensive fish farming model in an area of 42ha in the districts of Lang Giang, Yen Dung, Tan Yen, and Bac Giang city which drew the participation of 113 households.



Ms Thu Hang


Tel: +84.24.3771.5055 (ext. 214)

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